
This is my online journal for blathering about life as a mother of boy/girl twins.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


So how many more signs do I need to realize this man I call my husband is resentful and angry with me for "making" him get married and have kids? Today he told me he realizes he wants to be the "man he was". Single? Without wife/child responsibilities? I asked for an example and he cited GOING TO THE GYM. Oh yes he did. Gee, that's funny-we have a membership across the street with childcare AND I usually tell him to go ahead if he wants to after work while I continue to watch the kids. According to this man I am also not letting him get ready for work in the morning because he gets up with the kids and gives them breakfast. HE agreed to this and then changed his mind, so I started doing it but according to him I NEVER do this. Now I'm not sure when lying became fair play but it certainly doesn't bode well for a man who says he wants to work on things and feels that we should not "sweat the small stuff".


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